FOF Strategy 2

5 min readNov 27, 2022


FOF — FARM OF FORTUNE — Or how to turn 10BNB into 802BNB — Part 2.

Before you start to invest in FOF, it would be good to consider another strategy.

There is a google sheet that will work as a calculator/simulator where you can run different scenarios and look at what may be the most beneficial for individual use. FOF SIMULATOR — click on the link, go to “file” and “download” for your perusal.

In this simulator, we have 3 different options we can choose from.
- Single Deposits
- Reinvest Interests
- Reinvest interests with the addition of new capital

In this article, I shall focus on “Reinvest interests”.


For this simulation, I will use plan 1 (2% per day over 200 days, 400% ROI).

In my previous article, I have highlighted how we can grow our investment from 10 BNB to 802 BNB profit. However, 10 BNB is not an amount everyone has at his/her immediate disposal. Therefore let’s look at what can be achieved using a significantly smaller amount and assume an average price of USD300 per BNB.

The blue cells on this table are the ones we should play with. Let’s start by changing the deposit from 10 to 3 BNB (3 X $300=$900).

Next, we must tell the simulator that we will be reinvesting the interests and that we will not be adding fresh capital in FOF.
So reinvest interests will stay as “YES” while option to add fresh capital will be a “NO”. It should now look like the table below.

We then need to tell the simulator the % of the interests we intend to add after every claim.

In this simulation, we will run a “max risk” strategy and therefore will reinvest 100% of the interests received on every claim. Your table should look the same as below.

It is important to select number of days before claim; please be alerted that one of the FOF rules is that a claim will only start from day 5 of deposit or reinvestment and an additional 2 more days of interests accumulation. After the 7th day, you will not be earning further interests. Therefore it is imperative to claim and reinvest and wait another 5 days for another 10% interests. Let us enter 5 days for this simulation.


More important than the amount we deposit, the definition of a realistic objective proportional to the amount deposited is key.

We have chosen a 3BNB deposit to keep it more affordable and possible so therefore the objective should not be much higher than 5BNB, ideally it should always be lower than the initial deposit hence we will use 2BNB as the objective.

This objective represents the amount we want to reach as a regular reinvestment amount, additionally by selecting 2 as “objective”, we will also be telling the simulator we intend to set aside to pocket all the excess over 2BNB we get in interest on every claim.

Objective 2BNB /40BNB accumulative

Selecting 2BNB as a regular reinvestment amount the simulator tells us that, starting with 3BNB as the initial deposit we will need 110 days until the total amount of interest claimed every week is superior to 2BNB, and at that point, we start working on our ROI.
In addition, by selecting 2BNB as a regular deposit the simulator will also show that we will have a total accumulative deposit of 40BNB in 305 days.

If you have followed the same settings as indicated above your ROI info table should now read…
- 135 days to ROI, that’s 25 days after we reach the first objective of generating more than 2 BNB every claim (5 days) on day 110.
- 0.14BNB of excess in our first claim after starting to generate over 2BNB every 5 days.
- Following this start and continuing to add a new 2BNB deposit after every claim, we should reach the end of 2023 with an average return of $7556.20 per month or $248.48 per day. This is after subtracting initial and reinvestment deposits.

The big picture

Starting on day 1 (Oct. 10th, 2022), until the end of 2023, we will have 445 days into FOF.
- 302BNB pocketed (after subtracting initial deposits and reinvestments)
- 7.76BNB on average on each claim.
- Total of 153.99BNB reinvestment made.

$90,000+ profits from a $900 investment in 445 days.
That sounds like a pretty impressive investment, wouldn’t you think? And the amount will grow higher as you continue to reinvest into the plan while the developer constantly invests the deposits in various Syrup Pools on our behalf to gain greater yields!




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